About me

Hi, my name is Gaurav Bhatt. I am a PhD student in CV-ML Lab at the University of British Columbia. My supervisor is Dr. Leonid Sigal. Previously, I have worked as a Research Assistant under Dr Vineeth N Balasubramanian at IIT-Hyderabad. My research interest spans across deep learning, representation learning, zero/few-shot learning, domain translations, and continual learning.

In my free time I like playing badminton, table tennis, or listening to music. I was a addicted DOTA2 player at some point of time :)

Recent Updates

[Sep 2023] Our paper Mitigating the Effect of Incidental Correlations on Part-based Learning is accepted at NeurIPS 2023. (Code: GitHub, Slides : NeurIPS Slides)
[Aug 2023] Our paper Weakly-supervised Spatially Grounded Concept Learner for Few-Shot Learning is accepted at BMVC 2023. (Poster : BMVC Poster )
[Oct 2022] Our paper Learning Style Subspaces for Controllable Unpaired Domain Translation is accepted at WACV 2023. (Code: GitHub)
[Mar 2022] Started working as a researcher at The Vector Institute, Toronto, Canada.
[Sep 2021] Started PhD at University of British Columbia under Dr Leonid Sigal.